😞 Yes, it's kind of sad that this Wednesday was probably our last Wednesday night ride for 2021. The forecast for next Wednesday looks to be rainy and cold, and this is the last Wednesday before daylight savings time takes effect, so it will be dark by 5 o'clock from now on until spring.
We did have three WNR venture out this Wednesday (if it's above 50 degrees and not raining, I'm riding). Darrel cruised over from Freeport on his yellow trike. Irv roared in on his Harley trike, and Bob led the trio on his Gold Wing.
After seeing that there was just three of us, we rode out of Casey's and turned onto Elon Road heading east. While on county roads, I like to keep the speed at 50 mph, but we came upon a driver who apparently thought that was too fast, and we dragged along behind him most of the way to the Lansing/Harpers Road. That wasn't all bad, because even with the overcast conditions, we were still able to take in some great fall colors along the bluffs and valleys.We turned north onto the Lansing/Harpers Road and so did our mopey traveler. Fortunately he kept going north to Lansing while we turned east again onto Lafayette Ridge Drive. Again, cruising along on the pavement we were able to take in the striking fall colors. We soon arrived at the Great River Road and scooted down through the valley into Lansing. Probably the most spectacular view of the fall colors came as we passed the Driftless Center and saw the bluff overlooking Lansing to our north and west.
As we passed through Lansing and got on HWY 26, I was trying to imagine where the new Blackhawk Bridge was going to fit into the landscape. I can't imagine the amount of change that's going to have to take place for there to be a new bridge approach! We continued our trek north on 26, and actually without using the heated grips or seat, I was pretty comfortable on the Wing. I contribute that to my new jacket with a warm liner. Near New Albin we turned off of 26 and onto Iowa River Drive heading back west. After a "cool" drive aside the Upper Iowa River, we found ourselves ready to head back south on HWY 76. Shortly after turning south, a deer ran between my lead bike and Irv's trike. I didn't see it, but Irv described it later, and said he was glad there was a good distance between us, so he didn't have to slam on his brakes. We did see a few more deer, but they were way back in the fields where they belong. As we approached Dorchester, we caught up to another "mopey" driver who must have thought the speed limit was only 35. That was until we tried to pass him and he now sped back up again. As I have said before about a lot of the drivers on the roads today , "No matter where you go, they are always lurking!" Fortunately all three of us were able to get around him before he woke up!
There were no further incidents with wildlife or mopers, and we journeyed on into Waukon and stopped for our traditional (and probably last) eats at the City Club.
While having our supper, our conversation turned to the Wednesday night rides we had this year. And while we were sad to see them come to an end, we all agreed that we had a pleasurable and fun time and live in an area blessed with good motorcycle roads and some picturesque scenery. We also remarked on the number of new riders we had that joined us this year. I had 69 miles on the Wing when I rode her into the garage at home. She now has 98,686 miles on her, and I am planning on taking her on another ride this weekend before I tuck her away for the winter. It's supposed to be warm (upper 50's) on Saturday. Her sister, the trike, goes with us to Florida at the end of the year.