Monday, April 29, 2019


Because of the horse_ _ _ _ weather we have been having and again on Sunday, our ride to Camp Courageous obviously didn't materialize.  However, Bob & Julie drove down in the Dakota, and there at Camp Courageous were Gary and his grandson and family.  So WNR was represented again at this worthwhile charitable event.  Actually there was snow still on the ground stretching all the way down to Monticello, but the heaviest seemed to be around here and near Guttenberg.  By the way, there were no motorcycles in the parking lot at CC.  The omelets, sausage, toast, juice, and coffee were delicious as usual.  

On the way back we noticed that most of the snow had melted up here and we passed Carl's Used Car lot on the Volney Road.  Maybe we will have better weather for the fall ride to Camp Courageous.


As you may know by now the guy's trip this summer (Chuckles' pick) is to Hell and (maybe) back by going around the north shore of  Lake Superior via Canada.  Because of limited motel accommodations in some of the areas we plan to travel through, it would be important to know how many guys plan on making this trip.  I realize it's not until late July (July 29-Aug.3) when we will be going, but if you are considering going along, you should let Bob R know as soon as you can, so he can plan the motel stops.  Right now we have Bob R, Chuckles, Clair, Jim, and Darron on the list.  You will need some sort of passport to get back into the US, unless you plan on staying in Hell!

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