Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 Apparently we were too darn lazy to gather and send out Christmas cards to everyone like we have in the past.  So, in lieu of taking the time, like we should have, I will use the blog to wish all of our Wednesday Night Riders, their family and friends, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Joyous New Year!

We plan to be heading back to Florida on Sunday, the 29th.  We usually get in a lot of riding with several groups in the area.  It's always fun for me to follow instead of lead for a while.  If we have some interesting experiences while we're down there, I'll try to post them here.  If not, see you in the spring!

He's on his way!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all

Anonymous said...

Happy and Safe Travels!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all!

Anonymous said...

Wishing many blessings of the Christmas season to you and to all our riding friends. When I was working full time, had two toddlers and stayed up until 2am preparing Christmas cards was my last year for sending them out. :( I'm clinging to the promise that Jesus wants us to have peace. :)