Four For Fish Friday
As an impromptu (unscheduled) ride Friday, I posted that Julie and I were heading over to Home-A-Gins in Mt. Hope for their fish supper and we would swing by Casey's at 5 o'clock to see if anyone else wanted to ride along. When we got to Casey's we went in and registered to win a 4-wheeler from KNEI and then picked up two new Gelo's (Gary & Gloria) and two trikes departed for Mt. Hope.
We took HWY 76 south to Rossville and down Volney Road into Monona. We picked up HWY 18 east there and took it through Marquette, Prairie du Chien, and Bridgeport to CR C and headed east on it. C took us along the Wisconsin River and over to HWY 133 heading south. From 133 we joined 18 again and turned east into Mt. Hope and Home-A-Gin's.
While the food was very good, it did take a while to get it. So by the time we were ready to leave, I knew we probably were not going to make it home before dark. So instead of taking my normal long way back, we just got back on HWY 18 again and took it all the way to Luana and got on Forest Mills Road. Gary & Gloria store their trike on Forest Mills Road, so they got off there while Rotach's continued on home. It was dark, but I took it slow watching out for any four-legged threats and we made it back safely. On the way over and back we came through a number of damp spots on the roads, but we never did get rained on. It was a good ride with good food, so I may add it to our regular rides for next year, but maybe leave earlier or have it earlier in the year. I had 125 miles on the trike when we got home.
Next Wednesday from Casey's--5:30
Sunday, Aug. 26th--Mystery RTE--Casey's--10 AM
Monday, Sept. 3--Double Dip Ice Cream Run--Casey's--1 PM
Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 15 & 16--Couples' Trip--Casey's--8 AM
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